Join me as I reminisce of times past.

I lived in Papua New Guinea (PNG) from early 1989 to early 1991.

While I  continue to have work related links with PNG I have not been back since leaving in 1991 (apart from a couple of weeks in late 1991) and, as such, I am totally unqualified to present current practical information of value to to-days visitor.

Hotels I stayed in still exist, villages and towns (with the exception of beautiful Rabaul) I visited still exist, institutions and companies I dealt with remain and so on and so forth. While things still exist they have changed as they have anywhere else in the world.

Many good things haven’t changed – the highlands, islands and seas are, I imagine, as beautiful as ever, the birds of paradise still fly (though perhaps less of them), sing-sings still occur, most of the wantoks are as wonderful as ever even if they still chew that damn bettlenut and Misis Kwin in London remains head of state.

Sadly the crime and corruption that I so often wished away are also still there.

I have very fond memories of my time in PNG and of the wonderful people I encountered – locals and expatriates alike. While there I travelled extensively and lived life to the full. I will use this page to share my memories with my readers and record them before the memories fade even further. The overall tenor of my reviews will be a lighthearted reflection of my time in PNG.

In sharing my memories I will make an effort to refer to the current incarnation of places and things I reminisce about. Such reference will be based on research and current contacts with and within PNG as opposed to first hand knowledge based on personal visits.

While the information may be dated (and it will certainly be rambling!) and the photos may be more of historic (or no) interest I do hope my reviews will give you some insight into Papua New Guinea of the early 1990s which I believe will still (in the main) stand you good stead if you visit this wonderful country today, as you should.

At this stage I have decided to include all my reviews under ‘Papua New Guinea’ rather than individual towns, etc. When I write more, as I will, I may split them by location.

While I was in PNG digital cameras had not been invented and the cost of film and processing there were both exorbitant. To add insult to injury, film was often out of date when one bought it and the processing was rather amateurish. That said, the photos I have remain wonderful memories for me I trust you will enjoy them too, despite the quality of many of them.

Join me, if you will, in Papua New Guinea as I indulge in an enjoyable (at least for me) recollection of past times and events. Bear with me as I slowly indulge!

This blog entry is the first of a group (loop) of entries based on a couple of years living and working in Papua New Guinea.  I suggest you continue with my next entry – Get a job in Papua New Guinea – Instructions!

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